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reCIRCLE OTY (Minimum order quantity 1`300pcs)

reCIRCLE OTY (Minimum order quantity 1`300pcs)

reCIRCLE OTY is designed for use in vending machines, is efficiently stackable and compatible with common cup dispensers. One OTY replaces at least 50 disposable cups when handled correctly.
We recommend offering the reCIRCLE OTY without a deposit within closed contexts (e.g. campuses or offices) and to rely on extensive accompanying communication measures and signalling for the collection instead!
We provide corresponding communication material (posters/screens, intranet formats) upon request, so that the switch from disposable to reusable cups goes smoothly. If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail.

Capacity: 180 ml (filled to the brim 200 ml)
Height of cup: 90 mm
Outside diameter: 72 mm
Material thickness: 0.7 mm
Stacking height: 9.4 mm
Weight: 11 g
Material: Polypropylene (PP)
Colour: on request
Price: on request
Minimum order: 1.300 cups

CHF 2.35
